The trainers from BT South were invited by the operator for the Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research transitional and containment facilities to visit the sites and learn about the interesting projects that take place at the site. It was really interesting to see the various potential biocontrol insects that are being tested within the containment facility for New Zealand and various tropical Pacific Islands.
The staff at Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research were very helpful and we are grateful for giving of their time and knowledge and showing us various aspects of their work (including an amazing herbarium collection from Joseph bank's, Captain Cook’s original voyage to New Zealand.)
As a containment facility, Landcare Research have a set of requirements to meet under the Biosecurity Act to import and hold securely certain invertebrates in order to study their uses as biological control agents.
These important studies can help with the management and erradication of exotic pests.